레이블이 Good Diet Plans for Men인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Good Diet Plans for Men인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'whats a good nutrition plan'|..., and what do they thing they... like a fun read. I also...Program (or diet plan), by John McDougall... in nutrition and health lately... to eat a good diet, but I ...

About 'whats a good nutrition plan'|..., and what do they thing they... like a fun read. I also...Program (or diet plan), by John McDougall... in nutrition and health lately... to eat a good diet, but I ...

Do               you               stress               about               the               answers               to               your               Health               &               Wellness               questions?

Worry               that               you               can               not               start               a               program               without               first               understanding               these               responses?

Don't               worry,               you               are               not               alone.

I               hear               the               same               questions               from               many               new               to               Health               &               Wellness.

Here               are               the               Top               10               and               my               replies....


Whats               The               Best               Treatment               For               Sore               Muscles?

               Believe               it               or               not               the               best               thing               you               can               do               for               exercise-soreness               is               to               workout               lightly.

This               will               send               blood               to               the               muscles               and               loosen               the               contracted               tissues.

Light               exercise               means               very               little               weight               and               very               little               in               the               way               of               intensity.


If               soreness               persists               try               putting               some               heat               on               the               muscle,               then               stretch               holding               the               stretch               steady               for               a               minimum               of               10               seconds.

After               stretches               are               completed,               apply               ice               for               15               -               20               minutes.

How               Do               I               Tell               How               Much               Weight               To               Use?

               You               want               to               be               able               to               complete               a               full               set,               but               do               no               more.

If               you               are               trying               to               bulk               up               like               a               body               builder,               than               you               want               very               heavy               weights               and               small               quantity               of               reps               (or               pyramid               starting               with               high               reps-low               weight               and               decrease               reps               as               you               increase               weight,               or               vice               versa).

f               you               are               a               normal               person               -               working               out               to               increase               your               health               and               wellness               as               well               as               decrease               body               fat,               than               you               want               high               numbers               of               reps               and               sets               -               12               -               20               Reps               then               come               back               to               the               exercise               with               2               -               4               Sets.

Therefore               if               you               select               10               lbs               and               are               struggling               at               rep               4               you               know               you've               chosen               to               high.

You               should               just               get               to               the               highest               rep               -               praying               you'll               be               done               soon               as               it               gets               harder               and               harder               to               complete               the               exercise.

I'm               Too               Busy               To               Exercise               !

               If               you               have               10               minutes               than               you               can               exercise.

Performing               a               10               minute               workout,               3               times               a               day               is               just               as               effective               at               burning               calories               as               working               out               for               30               minutes               straight               of               cardio.

Therefore,               very               busy               people               can               work               in               fitness               -               no               matter               what               their               schedule               looks               like.

How               Do               I               Measure               My               Exercise               Intensity?

               Generally               personal               trainers               measure               how               hard               you               are               working               with               the               RPE               scale.

RPE               stands               for               Rate               of               Perceived               Exertion.

Its               a               scale               from               1               -               10;               where               1               equals               napping               on               the               couch               (very               little               exertion)               to               10               equaling               sprinting               away               from               an               armed               gunman               (very               high               exertion).

When               performing               endurance               cardio               training               (treadmill,               elliptical,               etc)               you               should               be               able               to               maintain               about               5               -               7               for               a               minimum               of               30               minutes.

This               means               you               will               be               sweating,               your               muscles               will               be               working               hard,               and               you               may               be               huffing               a               bit               -               BUT               you               can               still               complete               a               short               sentence               without               being               totally               winded.

Should               I               do               Cardio               Before               or               After               Strength               Training?

               Cardio               should               be               done               prior               to               strength,               except               occasionally.

Cardio               works               many               muscles               at               once,               so               no               one               muscle               becomes               too               fatigued.

Strength               training               focuses               on               1               or               2               muscles               at               a               time,               working               them               until               they               are               fatigues.

This               means               at               the               end               of               a               strength               training               workout               those               muscles               will               be               extremely               tired.

Not               I               said               occasionally,               thats               because               you               should               never               get               stuck               in               a               rut               of               repetition.

Its               great               to               occasionally               shock               the               system               by               switching               cardio               and               strength               or               breaking               up               your               cardio               and               interspersing               it               throughout               your               strength               workout.

Should               I               Stretch               Before               or               After               a               Workout?

               You               need               to               warm               up               in               some               manner               prior               to               working               out.

This               can               be               done               with               walking               or               light               stretching               -               BUT               you               will               get               no               flexibility               benefits               from               stretching               prior               to               a               workout.

Your               muscles               are               cold               -               like               a               brand-new               elastic               band               there               is               not               a               lot               of               give.

But               at               the               end               of               your               workout               all               the               blood               has               flowed               through               the               muscle,               loosening               it.

Stretching               at               the               end               utilizes               the               warm               well               blooded               muscle               to               improve               your               flexibility.

How               Often               Do               I               Really               Have               To               Exercise?

               Think               of               improving               your               Health               and               Wellness               as               a               part               of               your               daily               routine.

Does               this               mean               you               need               to               go               to               the               gym               daily?


Some               days               you'll               get               your               workout               from               grocery               shopping               or               doing               laundry.

On               other               days               walking               for               work               or               playing               with               the               kids               will               be               enough.

You               should               make               it               a               point               to               workout               for               about               60               -               90               minutes               at               least               3               times               a               week...if               you               are               struggling               to               lose               weight               you               should               perform               Cardio               at               least               4               -               6               times               a               week               along               with               stretching               and               Core               work.

Strength               training               should               be               2               -               3               times               a               week.

I               Don't               Need               To               Strength               Train               When               Looking               To               Lose               Weight,               Right?


We               burn               calories               in               the               muscles.

Therefore,               the               more               muscle               you               have               to               faster               you               will               lose               weight.

Balancing               your               strength               and               cardio               workouts               are               among               the               hardest               facets               of               creating               your               wellness               plan.

If               you               are               striving               to               lose               weight,               you               should               perform               a               Total               Body               Workout               program               2               -               3               times               a               week.

Core               can               be               worked               daily,               as               can               cardio.

Whats               The               Fastest               Method               For               Weight-loss?

               This               is               a               difficult               question.

There               are               unhealthy               methods               that               will               get               you               skinny               fast               but               will               not               keep               the               weight               off.

The               best               way               to               make               life               ling               changes               to               your               physique               is               the               tried               and               true               -               Fitness               &               Nutrition.

Increasing               your               caloric               burn               through               exercise,               and               decreasing               the               empty               calories               in               your               diet               while               increasing               the               Macro-nutrients               -               Protein,               Carbs,               Fats,               Water.

Eat               Less               Equals               Weigh               Less?

               Yes               and               No.

Yes               to               lose               weight               you               must               burn               more               than               you               intake               (calorically               speaking).

But,               if               you               decrease               your               calories               past               a               healthy               level               than               you               will               shut               down               your               metabolism               to               the               point               that               all               the               exercise               in               the               world               can't               make               you               lose               fat.

I               suggest               NEVER               decreasing               your               calories               below               1200.

This               will               feed               you               muscles               so               they               can               burn               the               fat!!

Its               like               putting               oil               in               the               car,               with               your               fat               stores               as               the               gas.

You               still               need               a               good               oil               supply               to               let               the               engine               function               properly               and               efficiently.

This               means               also               increasing               your               vitamin               intake.

Seek               out               the               advice               of               a               Nutritionist               to               develop               a               well               balanced               diet               -               women               generally               require               a               60-20-20               meal               plan,               with               60%               =               Carbs               (to               carry               all               the               hormones               and               give               energy),               20%               =               Proteins               (to               rebuild               and               build               body               tissue)               and               20%               being               Fats               (to               keep               the               body               full               for               longer).

Furthermore,               eating               many               small               meals               a               day               keeps               the               metabolism               active               and               will               lead               to               faster               weight-loss.

Eating               about               every               3               -               4               hours               also               helps               the               body               maintain               its               blood               sugar               and               blood               pressure               levels.

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whats a good nutrition plan

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