About 'the balanced diet'|A balanced diet, or eating balanced meals, is the key to a healthy life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement
The Atkins diet is one of the most enduring and widespread diet fads that has swept the nation. Unlike many others though, it has gained a foothold and has become entrenched in our culture, as witnessed by the proliferation of "Low Carb" choices on menus and in supermarkets. But does it work? Over the short and medium term if followed stringently, yes it can produce weight loss. But before embarking on the Atkins diet you must ask yourself what the long term impact is on your health. The Atkins diet is based on the supposition that carbohydrates are the cause of weight gain, and elimination (or extreme deprivation) of carbohydrates from your diet will cause you to lose weight. Adherents to the diet eat a large amount of meat, dairy, and other high fat yet carbohydrate free foods. But at what cost to their long term health? Numerous studies have shown links between the intake of fats, saturated fats, and red meat to copious health problems including heart disease, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), and other circulatory system ailments. Use your common sense and ask if it makes intuitive sense to deprive your body of any particular food group (in this case carbohydrates). Instead of the Atkins diet (or any diet for that matter), consider focusing on making long term healthy lifestyle changes including a well balanced diet, regular exercise, and moderation. A well balanced diet should be full of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, high in fiber, and low in fats, processed foods, and fatty meats. Consult the USDA food pyramid (www.mypyramid.gov) for a visual reminder of the proper amounts of servings of each of the food groups. Remember that the suggested daily allowance of meat is 6 ounces, and 3 ounces of beef is about the size of pack of playing cards. Next time you have a 16 ounce steak for dinner, consider that you're eating almost three days worth of meat! Regular exercise is also vitally important to good long term health. You should be getting 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic activity five days a week. This can be easier than you think; take a walk on your lunch break, or after work with your spouse/kids, join an adult sports league, join a gym (and use it!), or take up a new outdoor activity like hiking or bicycling. regular exercise will increase your metabolism and burn calories, the cornerstone of not only a weight loss program, but a healthy lifestyle. You can still enjoy fattening decadent things, but do so in moderation. Split that dessert with your dinner companion, have only half a slice of cake, allow yourself some ice cream after you've walked three miles. Moderation also should apply to alcohol as well, a drink or two a day is fine, but much more than that is probably excessive. It's up to you to decide if you want to hop on the Atkins diet bandwagon, or start making healthy lifestyle changes now, that will involve some sacrifice, but will give you a greater quality of life for many years to come. Ask yourself which makes more intuitive sense- The concept that all carbs are evil and you should eat a diet high in fats, meats, and cheese? Or eating a diet full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fiber, while exercising regularly and still enjoying things, only in moderation? Don't hop on that diet bandwagon, you're smarter than that. |
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