2013년 11월 23일 토요일

About 'diet and nutrition course'|...suddenly find a cheap, calorie-packed diet within their grasp and make the most of it as soon as they...Globesity” are, for the most part, nutrition researchers, and, in contrast...

About 'diet and nutrition course'|...suddenly find a cheap, calorie-packed diet within their grasp and make the most of it as soon as they...Globesity” are, for the most part, nutrition researchers, and, in contrast...

If               you               suffer               from               seasonal               affective               disorder,               or               SAD,               then               you               are               well               aware               that               weight               gain               in               the               winter               is               one               of               the               numerous,               unpleasant,               symptoms               of               the               disorder.

Also               known               as               the               winter               blues,               or               winter               depression,               seasonal               affective               disorder               causes               not               only               depression,               but               a               need               for               more               sleep,               lack               of               desire               to               do               daily               activities,               and               cravings               for               sweets,               chips,               and               other               unhealthy               carbohydrates.

When               you               add               all               of               that               up,               weight               gain               is               the               result.

Some               may               loose               the               weight               in               the               summer,               but               yo-yo               dieting,               and               repeated               weight               gain               and               loss               takes               a               toll               on               the               body,               so               it               is               best               to               avoid               that               cycle.

Why               do               we               who               suffer               from               SAD               crave               starchy               and               sweet               foods               when               the               darkness               of               winter               arrives?

It               is               thought               that               because               we               are               getting               less               sunlight               that               our               serotonin               levels               drop,               and               eating               carbohydrates               makes               us               feel               better               because               they               boost               our               serotonin               levels.

We               tend               to               choose               the               worst               ones,               as               they               give               us               the               quicker               lift,               and               of               course,               the               quicker,               deeper               crash,               too.

So               what               is               the               best               plan               of               attack               for               those               of               us               with               seasonal               affective               disorder?

Put               up               you               hands,               back               away               from               the               brownies,               and               I               will               tell               you.
               Eat               the               Good               Carbohydrates
               What,               you               say?

I               can               still               eat               carbs?

Well               sure               you               can,               and               must,               just               not               the               simple               carbohydrates               that               give               you               the               quick               fix,               especially               those               with               white               sugar,               and               white               flour.

Instead               choose               from               a               wide               variety               of               complex               carbohydrates.

They               take               longer               to               break               down,               and               generally               much               healthier,               and               they               do               not               contribute               to               the               sugar               crashes.

In               fact,               they               help               you               control               your               SAD               weight               gain.
               Complex               carbohydrates               are               found               in               whole               grains,               such               as               whole               wheat               and               multigrain               breads,               whole               wheat               pasta,               brown               rice,               and               even               popcorn.

Fruits               and               vegetables               are               also               packed               with               complex               carbohydrates               that               will               meet               that               craving               without               packing               on               the               pounds.

Eat               from               a               wide               range               of               fruits               and               vegetables               each               day,               along               with               3               to               5               servings               of               whole               grains.
               Less               Red               Meat,               More               Fish
               While               protein               is               important,               people               with               seasonal               affective               disorder               benefit               from               a               low               fat               diet               that               is               not               overly               heavy               on               protein.

A               diet               that               contains               a               minimum               of               red               meat               and               a               bigger               emphasis               on               fish               can               be               very               helpful.

Look               for               fish               rich               in               omega               three               fatty               acids,               which               have               been               found               to               ease               depression               symptoms.

Tuna,               mackerel,               salmon               and               halibut               are               all               good               choices.
               Get               Your               Vitamin               D
               Many               people               do               not               get               enough               vitamin               D               from               sun               exposure               during               the               winter               months,               and               need               to               get               their               vitamin               D               from               food               and               supplements,               instead.

If               you               live               north               of               Florida               in               the               winter,               then               you               are               not               going               to               get               enough               sunshine               in               the               dark               winter               to               produce               the               vitamin               D               that               your               body               needs.

Again,               fish               contain               vitamin               D,               as               do               most               dairy               products.

Choose               low               fat               milk,               cheese               and               yogurt.

If               you               live               in               a               place               were               there               is               very               little               sunshine               in               the               winter,               such               as               rainy               places               like               Seattle,               taking               a               supplement               with               vitamin               D               is               a               good               choice.
               As               you               can               see,               the               best               diet               to               control               the               weight               gain               associated               with               seasonal               affective               disorder,               and               to               ease               the               symptoms,               as               well,               is               an               all               over               healthy               diet               full               of               whole               grains,               fruits               and               vegetables,               and               low               fat               protein               and               dairy               products.

This               type               of               diet               is               one               that               is               good               for               everyone,               no               matter               the               season.
               Jase               Donaldson               
               Seasonal               Affective               Disorder--Diet               and               Nutrition               Tips               
               Seasonal               Depression               

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